Insurance Tips

i_tipsThere are just a few things to remember when making your insurance purchase decisions.  While there is no exact science to making insurance decisions, the points I’ve addressed for you will make sure that the decisions you make fit your personal lifestyle, family needs, and future financial plans.  I cannot stress enough here that insurance is not an investment.   You’re hedging against loss.  To that end, you want to ward against over insuring items that can be covered easily enough in the case of a loss.

Key Tips to Remember 

To serve as a quick tip overview, I’ve provided you with a summary list of the key insurance points as follows:

  • Get insurance advice from a licensed, objective source
  • All insurance should be treated as a financial expense and not as a potential financial windfall
  • You should always insure risks that you simply cannot afford
  • Consider self-insurance if a premium is at least 10% of the amount of self insurance


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